Morning has come too soon.


Goodmorning. I wish I was still asleep, but my boyfriend thought it was a good idea to have the cats wake me up before 8am (even though my insomnia kept me awake till sometime after 2am.)
At least being up so late was productive since I got more completed with Inner Peace. I did reach my word count goal (!) and, yup, there’s more to write. I’m just stuck right now trying to figure out exactly where I want to leave the story. I’m thinking a good cliffhanger might do, something that will leave you dying to read book 3 😉

Oh, sadly plans fell through for Pokecon 😦 but now we will be going to a different con (I forget its name) in August and that’ll be in Columbus. So at least the work I was doing on the outfits won’t be for waste 😛
We also have a voucher for a horseback ride/lesson in Kentucky that we need to go to sometime before I get too busy with classes. Can’t wait! I can’t believe that it’s nearly July. Time just continues to fly.

Well my brain keeps wandering so I better just close this post and get busy on writing/reading/crocheting/gaming or whatever catches my fancy.



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