New look!

I decided to give the blog a face lift! Also I noticed that I hadn’t updated the other pages, so those are completed as well! Now I just need to get back on over to facebook since I’ve been neglecting it for far too long. I’ll probably save that for tomorrow or this weekend… Β Yup, nothing better than procrastinating πŸ˜›

I do have something I’m working on… but it’s a secret for now πŸ˜‰ I must say I’m very excited about it!

Well, that’s all I wanted to say. Now to get back to working on the creepy owl I’m crocheting o.O and I have some writing to do too.


Morning has come too soon.


Goodmorning. I wish I was still asleep, but my boyfriend thought it was a good idea to have the cats wake me up before 8am (even though my insomnia kept me awake till sometime after 2am.)
At least being up so late was productive since I got more completed with Inner Peace. I did reach my word count goal (!) and, yup, there’s more to write. I’m just stuck right now trying to figure out exactly where I want to leave the story. I’m thinking a good cliffhanger might do, something that will leave you dying to read book 3 πŸ˜‰

Oh, sadly plans fell through for Pokecon 😦 but now we will be going to a different con (I forget its name) in August and that’ll be in Columbus. So at least the work I was doing on the outfits won’t be for waste πŸ˜›
We also have a voucher for a horseback ride/lesson in Kentucky that we need to go to sometime before I get too busy with classes. Can’t wait! I can’t believe that it’s nearly July. Time just continues to fly.

Well my brain keeps wandering so I better just close this post and get busy on writing/reading/crocheting/gaming or whatever catches my fancy.



Dear Insomnia,

Sorry to put it bluntly but, I hate you. I want to sleep when I want to sleep. Not when you finally release me to fall into an exhausted slumber that hardly refreshes me enough for the day ahead. I’m tired of you being so controlling with my life.
No, I do not want to stay up all night and then become so exhausted that I fall asleep in the middle of the day and then feel terrible when I wake up. It is not fun and I am very tired of you constantly returning to me.
You give me this false pretense that you’ve finally given up on me and are going to let me live a normal life. But then you have to shatter that lovely illusion by coming back and haunting me for weeks on end. Will you please listen and just – GET LOST! Forever.

Thank you.


Now I had actually been doing pretty good on the sleeping, but for the past week I can’t get myself to fall asleep when I want/need to.

On the plus side I am 5000 words short of my goal for Inner Peace! I don’t see why I can’t finish it up tomorrow (if I don’t end up going back to it tonight since I can’t seem to get to bed.)
When I write I always set some sort of word count goal for the book so I have something to help keep me focused and also so I don’t end up putting the entire series into one book πŸ˜‰ . Guardians of Ferrum is set at 80k, though they tend to be a bit more once editing takes place and of course actually finishing the story. I’m thinking that I’ll probably end up hitting 80k and still not be done. I’d say, realistically, it’ll probably be more of a 90-100k. Which is still completely doable before the weekend is over. (Though I probably will be working on all my crocheting projects so I don’t know if I will stay focused like I should, and my bf bought me a new video game today soooo – yea it might not end up happening after all.)

Ok, I better quit blogging or I’m just going to waste everyone’s time πŸ˜›


Happy Friday!

So I just realized it’s actually Friday! All week I’ve been behind a day. Yay for the weekend! No plans, and probably won’t do anything different from a normal day of the week, but y’all have an awesome one πŸ˜€

I do need to go to the store and get some yarn. A friend of mine is going to have a baby so I want to crochet a baby blanket for her. Just add that to all the other crocheting projects that I currently have. I’m crocheting my boyfriend’s and my cosplays for pokecon, plus I need to make an owl and a rat as surprise for a couple other friends, and then there’s the 100 mini crabs to finish up (I’ve only done 3). And I always find something new to do.

crocheted tail for my cosplay – shiny Espeon

In the writing world, I’ve been finding that by staying up late I actually get a whole lot more work done than I normally do in the day. Maybe because everything is quiet, there’s nothing to distract me, and the cats aren’t going bonkers anymore – they’re the biggest distraction.
I am super excited though because I am seriously almost done with Inner Peace! I was checking it again this morning and I don’t see it won’t be completed by this weekend! Of course that means more work, but also I can actually see a release date coming for it very soon! Just want to jump up and down and scream because I’m so happy πŸ˜€
The series just keeps on getting better the more I work on it! The characters keep dragging me down unexpected routes and things have changed so dramatically from my initial plans that I’ve given up trying to plot it out to the end.

Well, the cats are acting all crazy (they do that when I don’t feed them exactly when they want to be fed :p ) So I better go and get all of us some breakfast. (Plus I want to take a break from the computer and play some Pokemon :p )
I’ll leave you with a picture of my kitten Ichigo to brighten your day πŸ˜‰ Cheers!



Ok, so I still don’t have my own computer and I probably won’t be able to get one until this fall when I start school back up. In the meantime I’ve been using my bf’s but his has been having issues which are now FINALLY fixed! So that’s why I’ve been silent for awhile, now I can finally get back into the flow of things πŸ˜€

Well, I am progressing rapidly with Inner Peace! I’m hoping to announce a release date for it sometime in July or August. (Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!)
Plus I can’t wait to start writing Inner Life, which will be book 3 (Inner Spirit will actually be book 4 instead.) Though I’m also thinking that I’ll take a break first and finish the first novella that’s a companion book to the series – there would be additional novellas that focus on some other characters in the series that I’ll write eventually as well. We’ll see how it all goes. Especially since school will take up so much time and I need to start planning out the second book in the Cats’ Biographies which I’ll be writing for Nanowrimo this year!

So, so much to do.

My boys had their 2nd birthday (Terra and Ventus my kitties :p) and we got them both their own pets!

They are Chaos Ripper and Wayward Wind, the hermit crabs.

Terra and Wind

Terra with Wayward Wind

The cats all really love to watch them, and they’re actually more interesting creatures than you’d think, plus super easy to take care of.

I got to see bits and pieces of E3 and I am soooooo excited for Kingdom Hearts 3! πŸ˜€ KH is my all time favorite game and I can’t wait! Β Just need to find a game to keep me busy till KH HD 1.5 ReMix releases this fall!

Last thing, if any of my followers are pokemon fans and going to cons this summer, my bf and I will be at the Pokecon in Louisville, KY next month! I’d love to meet any of you πŸ˜€
